Benny Chan page
Here's Benny's profile......

Name: Benny Chan Ho Man
Birthday: 7 October 1971
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Height: 1.76 m (5"9)
Weight: 68kg
Place of birth: Hong Kong
Family: One sister
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Favourite hobbies: reading, watching movies
Favourite sports: Basketball, swimming, table tennis
Favourite colours: Blue, black, white, grey
Favourite clothing: Polo, Polo jeans, Polo sports
Favourite food: Spicy food
Favourite subject: Economics
Worst subject: Maths
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite fruit: Mango
Awards: Best male character (Vitasoy ad) in the advertisements awards
When he joined TVB: September 1996

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